Selected Writing
- 2014 Speculative Strategies in Interdisciplinary Arts Practice, A new publication co-edited with Dr. Dan Hinchcliffe, and Laura Mansfield. Contributors include Jane Trowell (PLATFORM), Department 21 (RCA), Prof Jane Rendell (UCL), Prof Mike Pearson (Aberystwyth), Carol Brown (Choreographer, New Zealand), Dr Becky Shaw (Sheffield Hallam) and Prof Victor Seidler (Sociologist, Goldsmiths). Pub. Underwing Press. There will be a seminar launching the book on Thursday 27 November 2014 at Birmingham School of Art (BCU). For more information about the book and the launch click here .
- 2007 Invited Guest Editor for a special edition of the journal Mortality: Memoria, Memory and Commemoration. Pub. Taylor and Francis Ltd
- 2004 Chapter: From Birmingham to Bogata in Recoveries and Reclamations Vol. 2, Advances in Art and Urban Futures Ed. Dr. Daniel Hinchcliffe and Judith Rugg. Pub. Intellect Press
- 2004 Invited by Dr Dariush Moaven Doust to give paper and performance of Traject at Department of Intellectual History, University of Goteburg Sweden. The paper accompanying this work has been translated into Swedish, appearing in the journal, Art Monitor, with an introduction by Dariush Moaven Doust
- 2004 Invited by Professor Griselda Pollock to give a paper and performance of Traject at Warp and Woof: Aurality, Textuality and Musicality conference. CongressCATH, AHRB funded research Centre, University of Leeds
- 2003 Invited to give paper to Postgraduate students and staff, Bartlett Institute of Architecture, UCL, London
- 2003 Presented presentation: Working With the Unspeakable: Trauma and the Art of Andrea Fisher. Summer School: Memory, Place and Mourning, School of Advanced Study, Institute of Romance Studies, University of London
- 2002 Presented Paper: The Garden as Metaphor, University of Plymouth
- 2002 Presented Paper: Collaboration and Dialogue as part of the symposium and exhibition held at Neue Gesellschaft Fur Bilden Kunst (NGBK) organised by the Institut Fur Kunst Im Kontext, Berlin
- 2001 Presented Paper: From Birmingham to Bogota: Tracing the Metaphor of Submerged Space through the Architecture of 60s Birmingham to the Artistic Practice of Colombian Artist Doris Salcedo. University of Bath
- 2001 Chapter: ‘The Wound, Absence and Displacement’ in Disciplines, Fields and Change in Art Education’ Volume 3 Art Therapy, Psychology and Sociology. Ed. Jacquie Swift, John Swift and Tom Davies. Pub. ARTicle Press
- 2001 Chapter: ‘New Territories for Art Education’ in: Out of the Bubble, approaches to Contextual Practice within Fine Art Education. Ed. John Carson and Susannah Silver. Pub. London Institute
- 2000 Presented Paper: Making, Medium and Encounter With/In Artistic Practice: Trauma and the Trigger of Association. University of Leeds
- 1999 Presented paper: The Contextual Practices Network: Forging New Pathways in Art Education: Out of The Bubble Conference, Central St. Martins, London
- 1993 Presented paper: Identity and Identifications: Notes on Race and the Kantian Subject. University of London School of Advanced Studies and Falmouth College of Arts
- 1993 Presented paper: Women and Violence: History and the Limits of Representation Feminist Arts and Histories Network 2nd Biennale Conference, University of Leeds
- 1991 Presented paper: Cultural Borrowing, Representation and Identity Goldsmiths College
- 1991 Presented paper: The Politics of Looking/Art From South Africa City Art Gallery, Leeds